Robert Floyd
Robert A. Floyd has lobbied before the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress for 42 years. He served as the CEO of two statewide trade associations. He began his lobbying career in 1973 as director of government relations for the Texas Motor Transportation Association, later serving as the president and CEO. TMTA was recognized as being one of the most effective lobbying organizations in Texas.
In 1996, Floyd became the president and CEO of the Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE). He developed a government relations program that provided political advocacy for the association and nonprofit communities. Mr. Floyd is actively involved with the government relations efforts of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) in Washington, D.C.
As president of TSAE, he led a business coalition in filing a successful lawsuit in the Federal District Court that declared unconstitutional a section of the City of Austin Campaign Finance Law. The law violated the 1st Amendment rights of associations and organizations to participate in city bond and charter elections.
Mr. Floyd is a former chairman of the Texas Society of Association Executives and served on the board of the American Society of Association Executives. He was elected to two terms on the Eanes (Austin, Texas) School District Board of Trustees in the 1980s.
Mr. Floyd is a published author, having written, The Courage to Lead: An Essential Guide for Volunteer Leaders, Board Trustees, and Public Servants.
A Vietnam Veteran, he initiated an effort beginning in 2003 to raise funds for the construction of a monument on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol to honor Texans who served in the armed forces of the United States during the Vietnam War. The Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument (TCVVM) was dedicated on March 29, 2014. Mr. Floyd Continues to chair the TCVVM Committee, whose goal is to continue to educate students and the general public about the sacrifices made by Texas Vietnam Veterans.